Refund Policy

Trying to get a refund here is like teaching a fish to ride a bicycle.

Refund Policy

Last updated: When pigs fly (just kidding, 10/12/2022)

1. Introduction

Thank you for choosing FeeFlow Technologies' School Management Software. We are committed to providing you with a high-quality product and excellent customer service. This Refund Policy outlines our approach to refunds and your rights as a user.

2. Trial Period

We offer a generous 30-days trial period to give you the opportunity to assess the suitability of our School Management Software for your needs. During this trial period:

3. No Refunds

Due to the availability of the 30-day trial period, we do not offer refunds for any subscription fees paid. Once the trial period has ended and you decide to continue using our software, subscription fees will apply as per our pricing structure.

4. Exceptional Circumstances

While our standard policy is no refunds during the trial period, we understand that exceptional circumstances may arise. If you believe that you have a valid reason for a refund outside of our policy, please contact our customer support team at We will assess such requests on a case-by-case basis and may consider refunds at our discretion.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or require further clarification regarding our Refund Policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at Our team is here to assist you and provide any necessary assistance.